Please tell me that’s Bobby.
It is indeed, adult Bobby Hill!
I guess that rules out the US.
Dali llama is a cia stooge
I think it’s a little racist to remove agency from people who’ve made moves equally validly explained as self-defence and preservation against a hostile invader.
You forget imperialism is OK when China does it
Does seem to be the case, they also seem to have no follow up to researched rebuttals of their talking points.
Edit: although the person I was responding to does seem to be not, if not anti, Marxist-Lenninist. Maybe they’re Dengian or Maoist…
it’s cool that he can know these things
I assume you don’t believe in Buddhism, but if you do it makes sense. The Dalai Lama is the reincarnation of an enlightened being. Its like if jesus would have come back all the time instead of just once for a few days. (It’s not exactly like that and I’m not Buddhist)
If you actually read the words of the Buddha on reincarnation he was quite explicitly clear that he never endorsed the idea.
That’s really interesting. But ok I don’t want to insult anyone, but wasn’t Siddhartha Gautama only one of many many enlightened ones? And do you know if he didn’t endorse the entire bhavacakra or just the Bodhisattva?
To be clear, I am not a Buddhist, just a long time student of trying to figure out what the fuck is going on here. Closest thing to a philosophy that I follow is the Taoism of the Chuang Tzu which is basically the position of “it’s all a muddle and anyone who tries to tell you they know what’s going on is full of it, best to just be quiet.”
Actually none of it was relevant to his actual words. All of the mythologizing came later. He pretty much summed it up as “What have I elucidated? The cause of suffering and it’s cessation, that’s all.” (to paraphrase). The main problem was he was from a culture with a boatload of nonsense that got grafted on to the teachings. Religious Buddhism is awash in Hindu/Vedic add ons.
I know, religion is bad an’ all that, but I like this guy. Always did.
The stuff he tells to the world is very different from what he tells his own followers. Let’s not forget that he comes from a very long tradition of repressive theocracy.