odds are good something like this did happen somewhere
I heard very similar responses when conservatives were shown that Haitians were not eating dogs in Ohio.
odds are good something like this did happen somewhere
I heard very similar responses when conservatives were shown that Haitians were not eating dogs in Ohio.
I have addressed this point several times across several comments. Surely you’ve seen it.
Actually the burden of proof not necessarily always on the one who made the claim. But it is on the person who has the less credible claim.
I don’t need to prove it’s false. I just need to demonstrate that, taken at face value, the more prudent thing to do is assume this post is at least partially made up. And given the details of it, the most likely scenario is that the story is not 100% true.
The burden of proof squarely lies with OP. You didn’t ask me to prove it’s false. You asked me to explain my previous comment.
Agreed. But now you’re making your own host of assumptions. We know nothing about this person. We don’t even know how old they are.
Most people do not sell their homes the moment they are laid off.
Despite your stance/tone I’ll answer this in good faith and assume you’re genuinely asking even if I think you’re not.
The best lies/misinformation attempts are couched in 1) truths and/or 2) plausible things that can’t be dismissed as impossible.
It is plausible [insert any JFK assassination conspiracy]. Should they all be equally weighted? Is each equally plausible? No, yet dozens persist because they’re at all plausible. I say this as someone who says the least plausible scenario was lone gunman who was killed by some rando. I think it was a conspiracy. But it doesn’t mean I treat each conspiracy theory as equally plausible. Unfortunately it’s hard to 100% disprove basically anything, so even the worst ideas remain sticky if people want them to be true.
I didn’t say it doesn’t happen. I said most people do not.
That is not even remotely what I said and you know it
I didn’t say it never happens. I’m saying most people don’t respond to layoffs by selling their home immediately. Trump hasn’t even been in office for 60 days. So this dude probably got laid off, assuming this happened, 4 to 6 weeks ago if we’re being generous.
You’re also not taking into account current interest rate/home prices. If this person has held their home for a long time, then even if they got a higher interest from the 90’s or 2000’s The home was so cheap back then that their bill is probably pretty reasonable. If they’ve had it for a couple of years, then they got incredible interest rates And to give that up for a higher interest rate upwards of 7-8% would be asinine. Not to mention it would be very hard to finance when you admit you were laid off and don’t have a job. The most likely outcome is an equal or even higher mortgage payment unless they truly uproot their lives. Again, all over a recent layoff.
The narrow lane of parameters for this story to be true makes it possible but highly unlikely. And the flag thing…come the fuck on.
Plenty of people are having their lives ruined. Some random person on the Internet telling this story is what we’re going to point to?
I’m tempted to give the actual theological answer here but I have a feeling it will not be well received lol
Of course it’s plausible. The point is that it’s most likely not true.
Plausibility is incredibly useful way to introduce falsehood.
Most people don’t immediately sell their homes the moment they are laid off.
Most of the country is governed or represented by democrats yes.
I’m not really sure what you’re responding to here. I’m just saying this person is assuming the poster isn’t a leftist on a site that more dominated by leftists than true blue democrats.
It’s a classic “anyone who does something wrong must be on a different team.”
If they had just said “my Trump voting Neighbor just lost his job at the USDA. FAFO.” I’d be totally down to believe it. Tons of people are losing their jobs right now, that is reality. But the flag/house thing? Give me a fucking break
Considering how Lemmy feels about democrats and how everyone claims to be a true leftist…
“Sure. $1/ea.”
No, that was very intentional lol
It’s amazing how everyone doing everything right is a leftist and everyone they disagree with/who isn’t doing things right is a liberal. That’s why leftists are in position of power!
ok…so why do I need to repeat myself…? You’re literally advocating against the thing you’re asking me to do.
Let’s also cut the bullshit and not pretend like you already knew that. You came up with this as a clever quip after you realized I’ve already talked about it. Can we please stop it with the childish games? Make your point or fuck off.