One in five Americans (20 per cent) polled by Leger this week say they would like their state to join Canada, more than double the proportion of Canadians who said they would like their country to become the 51st state of the United States. Article content
“Only 9 per cent of Canadians believe it is likely that Canada will become the 51st U.S. state. By contrast, 20 per cent of Americans would like their state to join Canada and become a Canadian province, a proportion that is higher among respondents aged 18 to 34 (30 per cent),” reads the new Léger report.
California for succession! But all BS aside I feel like the US is going to have a civil war over all of this because over half of us don’t want to live in stupid tecno patriarcal oligarch dipshitville with a deranged game show host frontman
Canadian Province of Oregon has a very nice ring to it!
And Washington! Also all of New England!
I am originally from Michigan and I think Michigan would make a fine province in Canada. We all love beer, hockey, Ice fishing, fishing and affordable healthcare. Lets build the wall! The wall should be at the Ohio and Indiana border to keep those Trump supporters away from our inland lakes. #Michigan #FuckTrump
Canada has a functioning government. Sign me up!
And universal health care, and 12 months EI for parental leave after the birth of a child.
Just to add, for anyone curious: Canadian healthcare is provincial, not federal, so your mileage may vary depending on which province you live in.
One of the “Canadian officials” recently quoted in American news for threatening to withhold electricity is Doug Ford, the Conservative Premier (i.e. the “Senator”) of Ontario. While many Canadians have supported his response to Trump’s tariffs, he’s been dismantling Ontario’s public healthcare by withholding public funding, so he can set up a two-tiered private/public system. He’s also had a fair number of scandals. And was just comfortably re-elected :^)
While I have love for Ford, he’s more akin to Governor than Senator.
Whoops! That’s the word I was looking for :^) thanks
Geezus. OK then. Thank you for the info. I’m in B.C. And while things could be better, I can’t complain. I had a bad fall last year. Xrays were taken almost immediately in emergency. There was a long wait to see a doctor. Once I saw the doctor, surgery was scheduled really quickly with a surgeon. The up side? No bill.
Oh gosh, glad to hear things are somewhat better over there, healthcare-wise. I hope your recovery went/is going well!
6-18 months, depending on the province, with both extremes being elective, not mandated.
5-9 weeks for the dad too, also depending on province and elective.
Edit: also subsidized daycare in Quebec (180/mo is peanuts) with further subsidies for low income families. There’s also a federal subsidy, but adoption has been slow by for profits.
Thank you for this info. I’m in B.C., so going by my province.
It’s gotta be way more than 1/5 in VT. Half the houses have combo Canadian/US flags hanging. And have for years. They’re in danger of having a different meaning now though I fear.
I’d sign up for it. Illinois isn’t too far from Canada, and I’d live to see how the US gets by without Chicago. Good luck rerouting all your freight to avoid border crossings lol. Sigh. It’d never happen in a million years though.
It is time for global co-operation against Trump. Forget this silly divide and rule nonsense this bully is attempting.
All countries subject to tariffs now co-operate on joint tariffs against the US.
It is time we all put an end to this nonsense before it escalates. Let’s put this moron, this belligerent non-cooperative fascist country in its new, much reduced globally influencing, box.
It is time for the US to pay its deficit.
Edit - I will say that Trump might want other countries to sell their US debt, in order to weaken the dollar to make the US an affordable manufacturer.
- The rest of us decide on which currencies we buy: and this can not be the bitcoin the US might want countries to buy (rather than say the Yuan, or a basket of currencies that reflect global production).
- Selling debt has to be accompanied by a boycott of all US goods on an ongoing basis.
- This ends the post WW2 … > … petrodollar era of America’s exorbitant privilege.
- Trump starts it, the rest of the world ends it. This is how, say, Europe, avoids the US/Russia alliance now threatening it.
You must stand up to bullies.
It would be amazing if we could have Washington and Oregon in Canada… :)
And California, make a land bridge between Canada and Mexico! Plus Canada would jump from 9th largest GDP in the world to 3rd largest!
No, it would not. California’s GDP is highly dependent on it being part of the USA. CA agriculture would get devastated when the US refuses access to water from the Colorado river as we just did this to Mexico this week. CA tech companies would flee California as the US government will tie access to DoD money to being an American company so the tech sector will flee as well. The third largest industry last I checked was education which gets a TON of US federal dollars.
California without the USA would rapidly look more like Slovenia than France economically speaking.
There aren’t many if any states that would be better off apart from the USA.
You do realize California residents and companies pay more taxes to the federal government than they receive back, right? Pretty sure they can easily fund their own education with some of that money.
Yes they get back .95for every $1.
Now remember how I said the 3rd largest industry was education which got tons of federal dollars? When a kid in NCgets a grant for college and spends it at UCLA that money was “spent” in NC despite going to CA so it is entirely posdible CA takes in more than it gives.
California would be a third world nation very fast if it left the USA.
Colorado is blue so it’s coming along!
Which means nothing as the Feds control that water
We’re taking Nevada, Arizona and Nevada as well if that’s how you want to play!
Not if the whole coast is owned by Canada! The Pacific will be theirs!
Go look for the source if that river. Then look at how critical it is to the USA. Then compare the arsenals of the two nations. Canada will never control the Colorado river.
Go look for the source if that river.
Colorado? One of the bluest states in the USA?
California could get water from Canada ;). Education funding is also on the chopping block unless they bow and scrape to Trump’s ideologies, so…
We could also reinvest federal tax money into desalination and renewable energy to power it.
Not in the parts of CA that get water from the Colorado river
On behalf of Washington State I accept this offer.
Oregon also!
Perhaps we can organize a referendum
I have a better idea, Make Alaska a part of Canada
Only the blue parts.
The red parts can go to hell.
Why not all
Don’t need the bigotry
Then just kick them out, give them a tastebof their own medicine
I knew Americans were treating Canada badly, but that’s crossing a line
Hell, I’ll vote for my state to join just about any country with a functioning healthcare system.
Such as?..
Canada, for one.
Well, I suppose relative to American health care it is.
I don’t believe canada is perfect but the US is really fucking bad, so it would probably be an improvement.
Though enemies of the US would probably be cackling at it dissolving. US conservatives really are a heady cocktail of traitors and absolute fucking idiots.
Red States could finally achieve their dream of being third world countries 🥰
Rather than third world states?
Oh without blue states to help them they still have a long way to go to reach the point where they should be considering their political decisions.
If the USA leaves NATO it technically becomes a Third-World Country. Enjoy!
NATO membership isn’t a requirement to be a developed country though
Putin is laughing his head off at how easy it was to dismantle the US. It was already so rotten a bit of poking the right places was all it took.
The way they word the contrast between Canadians and Americans is extremely biased.“9 percent of Canadians believe they will become the 51st state”, not that they want to, just that they believe it will happen. While “30 percent of Americans would like their state to become part of Canada”. If you asked the Canadians if they want to become US state I guarantee it would be lower
What would have been interesting: How many Canadians would like an American state to become part of Canada?
I wouldn’t want any of them to join my country.
As a Prairie guy, I’d love to have MN join us
As a Minnesotan, yeah alright
Look on the bright side, you’d probably get the northern states like Vermont. 😀
I’m not Canadian, I’m European. I just would find it interesting to know, since I was told that Canada overall resembles more Europe than the USA.
The political left in the U.S. often aligns more closely with the center or even the moderate right in European countries, due to America’s overall more conservative political spectrum.
So they would get an influx of center to far-right citizens. Can’t think why one would want this.
The political left in the U.S. often aligns more closely with the center or even the moderate right in European countries, due to America’s overall more conservative political spectrum.
That’s a misconception. The political parties are owned by the same billionaires, and they never allow farther left candidates to be nominated.
The politicians themselfs are right-leaning. That doesn’t mean the people actually are. There is huge support for left-leaning policies in the United States, but the people in the U.S. have effectively no ability to get policy passed.
The right wing citizens can get excommunicated into Trumpland
Canada has universal health care. It’s not perfect, but I will say I had a bad fall last year which required an open reduction and internal fixation on my arm. It cost me nothing, and I had excellent care.
Meanwhile, I have shoulder pain that is keeping me from sleeping, and I had to make 3 calls to my insurance company before I found out that it doesn’t matter what Dr. I go to, they won’t pay out jack squat until I hit my 5500 dollar deductible, and even then, they’ll only pay 80%, with a maximum benefit of 6500 dollars.
Health insurance is a scam.
I’ll try be polite for conversation’s sake but my thoughts are: I truly wish these USAers would fix their country rather than opine about trying to join my nation which has quite a different outlook on life and noted cultural differences and expectations for it’s citizens.
Personally, I don’t want any of these supposedly “blue” states to join confederation honestly due to incongruent ideals and perspectives.
They should focus on working to solve their issues instead of trying to jump ship (which feels like “kicking the can down the road” because let’s be honest, in what world would the governing “party” of the USA actually allow that to happen peacefully or without retribution).
Sorry if this was came across curt/rude but my messaging is: fix your shit.
They’re not “supposedly” blue states. They ARE blue states. Their citizens voted “against” the shit show that is now the “high school council” government of the United States.
Colours on signs don’t mean anything when there aren’t mass protests against the rhetoric.
I live in another separate independent nation* so frankly I find any incredulity at me and my fellow citizens rage laughable and frankly insulting.
If these blue states are majority against this, then why are the protests having meagre showings? Why are people not mobilizing. They don’t seem to care from our perspective, or at least, they’re still comfortable as it doesn’t impact their personal lives yet so they aren’t acting. This is the impression we get.
Why am I, as someone from another country, which is being threatened by your government which represents your citizens more responsible to try and combat the lies and apathy than the people who live there. Why should I say “yeah your democratic experiment failed, let’s bring more of that inaction and that societal decay here”?
I get that it’s frightening for you, empathize with how your neighbours feel.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I really appreciate it.
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If you asked the Canadians if they want to become US state I guarantee it would be lower
Any of the polls I’ve seen put it 13-20%.
Would you mind sharing those polls? I haven’t seen any that high
EDIT: I can’t find the one that said 20%. It was on a Lemmy post a few weeks back. However, it said 80% were strongly opposed, and didn’t break down the other responses. The article just assumed the other responses weren’t opposed.
I thought this was weird (insidious?) as well.
No, thank you. Stay home, please, and fix your problems.
Our problems are and have been for 160 years one thing: The South.
Leaving them behind is fixing them.
You overestimate the U.S. citizens’ ability to influence the U.S. Government. It is not a democracy and has not been at least for my whole life. People in the U.S. have effectively no control over laws that get passed.
Canada please decline this offer until a sane generation is old enough to vote, the current ones are broken
Oh don’t worry 99% of us have been seeing the online requests and cackling at the sheer fucking hubris lmao
I’d love to see a map of support. I imagine the further north, the more likely to want to merge.