The more important question is: Why can a human absorb a ton of material in their learning without anyone crying about them “stealing”? Why shouldn’t the same go for AI? What’s the difference? I really don’t understand the common mindset here. Is it because a trained AI is used for profit?
There is a difference between me reading a book and learning from it and one of the biggest companies in the world pirating millions of books for their business. And it really gets bad when normal users are getting sued for tenthousands of dollars when they download a book or a MP3 and Meta is getting defended for doing the same thing, but in a much larger scale.
Yes, we know that copyright is broken. But if it is broken, it has to be broken for all
The more important question is: Why can a human absorb a ton of material in their learning without anyone crying about them “stealing”? Why shouldn’t the same go for AI? What’s the difference? I really don’t understand the common mindset here. Is it because a trained AI is used for profit?
There is a difference between me reading a book and learning from it and one of the biggest companies in the world pirating millions of books for their business. And it really gets bad when normal users are getting sued for tenthousands of dollars when they download a book or a MP3 and Meta is getting defended for doing the same thing, but in a much larger scale.
Yes, we know that copyright is broken. But if it is broken, it has to be broken for all