I just saw a Trumpettes of Patriots TV ad that had Tucker Carlson in it.
Tucker was on stage with Clive saying how billionaires are bad and do nothing for you. But you needed Clive, you needed rich people on your side.
WTF? All I could think of was “This ad has been authorised by cookers, for cookers”
Imagine if he’d put all the money he’s wasted on failed political campaigns into actually helping people. Man’s a fucking monster.
You couldn’t get a better example of the corporate stranglehold on media. Time for everyone to read manufacturing consent
I love how The Age put their article about Palmer trying to buy the election with ads right above one of his ads.
There are only two genders…
Except for: <giant list of genetic, epigenetic, developmental, etc… things that happen with human beings>.
Not to mention all the other things that happen with other living things
There are as many genders as you can think of.
There are two sexes (M/F), but they exist on a continuum rather than a binary.
Also, why are we so obsessed with sex and gender? They want us to be distracted by this bullshit.
Wake up and realise the Class Consciousness!
except it’s not even a continuum it’s more like a fucking pick and mix bag
I think sexual insecurity plays a role. The trans hate is repackaged homophobia. Gay panic used to be a legal defence for example https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_panic_defense
bUt tHEy’Re RarE gENeTic ABnoRMAliTiEs
Yeah, and so are red-heads, Karen. In fact, red-heads are rarer than intersex people. Are red-heads not worthy of basic respect and dignity?
You’re kind of missing the point.
Everyone knows there are more than 2 genders. It’s an easily falsifiable statement.
It’s an incendiary statement designed to foment division.
Jacquie Lambie’s original party.
Trumpet of Patriots, wot even is that supposed to mean, people farting on Australia Day ?
Trump’s excrement, like his waistline, is spreading.@zero_gravitas There are only two types of billionaires. Arseholes and Pricks.
Well, they should have put the pic of the male on the left and the female on the right then, just so they’re not adding to any possible “confusion”.
@zero_gravitas “Trumpet of Patriots” LOLOLOL
LOL. Clive saw Trump win and ordered his people to lean into identifying as closely with that as they can get away with legally. It’s like scammy electric-car startups a few years ago choosing names that sounded as reminiscent of Tesla as possible (Nikola, Faraday Future) without actually infringing on any trademarks.
The problem of that the plausibly-deniable reading of his new party name, with its Biblical-apocalyptic imagery and emphatic pledge-of-allegiance patriotism, comes across as exceedingly American, to the point where most undecided Australians would take one look and say “yeah, nah”.
The Yellow Shit Stain party is trying to be Orange.
@quokka1@mastodon.au Lion go ‘doot doot’
Thought it read “Honor Obama” and was a bit confused for a moment.