I think if we can’t convince people to reduce their consumption which is a Sisyphean effort, The next best step would be to try to convince manufacturers and packaging companies to switch over to either mostly cardboard or metal. Metal is almost infinitely recyclable, and cardboard once it reaches the end of its recyclable life span can be used as fertilizer and as a product for other things.
I think if we can’t convince people to reduce their consumption which is a Sisyphean effort, The next best step would be to try to convince manufacturers and packaging companies to switch over to either mostly cardboard or metal. Metal is almost infinitely recyclable, and cardboard once it reaches the end of its recyclable life span can be used as fertilizer and as a product for other things.
Yes, ship all Amazon packages in metal boxes! I like this future 😎
Or, ya know. Cardboard.
Cardboard boxes? That will never catch on