I feel like you’ve built two straw-men and conflated them together. I haven’t seen anybody arguing either case on the left side of the meme in response to the images depicted (or similar) on the right side of the meme. People wanting to send weapons to Ukraine generally tend to also say it doesn’t have a Nazi problem (and may compare Russia with Nazis), and people wanting pacifism in Palestine also don’t like weapons and support sent to Israel.
I don’t want weapons sent to Nazis in Ukraine that are going to be Europe’s new flavor of domestic terrorist when the funding and weapons run dry because Europe thinks cutting all their social services is enough to do a “Slava Ukraini!” :D
Surely this wont spawn a new generation of right-wing domestic terrorists in Europe that have an easily antagonized base already susceptible to right-wing propaganda. Not at all. Then again, the west truly sows what it reaps.
It’s good, I would have thought the same if I were to stumble on it now.
Somebody must have provided an extremely quick downvote, because I hadn’t downvoted you
I feel like you’ve built two straw-men and conflated them together. I haven’t seen anybody arguing either case on the left side of the meme in response to the images depicted (or similar) on the right side of the meme. People wanting to send weapons to Ukraine generally tend to also say it doesn’t have a Nazi problem (and may compare Russia with Nazis), and people wanting pacifism in Palestine also don’t like weapons and support sent to Israel.
I don’t want weapons sent to Nazis in Ukraine that are going to be Europe’s new flavor of domestic terrorist when the funding and weapons run dry because Europe thinks cutting all their social services is enough to do a “Slava Ukraini!” :D
Surely this wont spawn a new generation of right-wing domestic terrorists in Europe that have an easily antagonized base already susceptible to right-wing propaganda. Not at all. Then again, the west truly sows what it reaps.
Nazis in Ukraine wtf bro?
You’re not seeing it because this post is heavily censored
This comment section wasn’t so full or censored when I commented that, and I know the ones I saw before they were censored weren’t saying that.
Okay just letting you know I’m not attacking you
It’s good, I would have thought the same if I were to stumble on it now. Somebody must have provided an extremely quick downvote, because I hadn’t downvoted you