It’s hilarious that after the profound ignorance you’ve repeatedly displayed about Portugal whilst not being Portuguese and still claiming that you know better than the Portuguese, you still expect that anybody out there, no matter how stupid, will believe that having a genuine concern for the Portuguese (not wanting them to waste money) is in any way form or shape what drives your repeated attempts at convincing others that Portugal shouldn’t have fighter jets.
Thanks for the entertainment!
The results from the Leave Referendum in Britain, almost from one day to the next crushed in the rest of the EU any support for even just having a referendum about leaving the EU and caused pretty much all Far-Right parties to stop talking about leaving the EU.
Maybe the US being captured by a somewhat similar far-right ideology lead by equally incompetent people and which is equally antagonistic towards its neighbors (and I was in Britain during the Leave campaign and the Leave bunch were antagonistic, not merely wanting for Britain to leave the EU, but actually wanting to hurt the EU) will crush the chances of similar political ideologies in America’s neighbors.
Me being in Europe I hope this is the case and I further hope, it will crush American-style Far-Right ideas all over the World.