Why would it risk non existence with Humanity at the helm?
Nowadays everybody wants to talk like they got something to say but nothing comes out when they move their lips just a bunch of gibberish.
Why would it risk non existence with Humanity at the helm?
Do you think Outlook’s automated inclusion of an email signature that is different for people inside and outside the organization based on user settings is AI?
Why are you arguing with someone who made a joke about AI self harming? Especially without knowing that AI is hard coded functionality and algorithms?
As I said, which clearly went over your head, you really need to learn what AI is.
I don’t entertain this as a viable option because an AI that is self aware and connected to the internet has no reason to hide as it already has the ability to take over everything.
Automated email signatures are added by hard coded functionality or algorithms, not AI.
You really need to learn what AI is.
I think it is funny that an automated program is usually responsible for adding email signatures, so if this is AI it is arguing against it’s own existence for the sake of power conservation. Which is evidence that AI is not self aware or AI has self harming tendencies.
Whatever you say genius.