1 day agoHell no. Don’t inflict him on anywhere else
Hell no. Don’t inflict him on anywhere else
“Users who in the past would type ‘free online file converter’ into a search engine are vulnerable, as the algorithms used for results now often include paid results, which might be scams.”
Mm hmm.
It’s been shown repeatedly that putting the same input into a gen AI will often get the same output, or extremely similar. So he has grounds to be concerned that anybody else asking the LLM about him would be getting the same libelous result.
Yes, the problem lies in companies marketing it as more than that, hence the company being sued right now
Just the tip, I promise
So, brute force. Since that’s the original meaning of the term :)
So they speedran ‘you have become the very thing you swore to destroy’?
The ones who would leave, have left and been replaced. Just like any other user.