Poor quality lithium batteries.
Poor quality lithium batteries.
Sign a nuclear cover defense agreement with France.
lol caved in after economy casualty disaster.
but russia has foreign army in russia and is CSTO member.
If russia doesn’t leave Ukraine territory, then Ukraine should be offered NATO membership to protect remaining territories.
Memorandum was not really a guarantee. NATO is more of a guarantee, nukes are more of a guarantee. Guarantee means NATO and/or Nukes.
Don’t need to believe it will work, Nukes and NATO has worked in the past to maintain peace along russia borders.
I don’t see any peace deal unless there is security guarantees, it is not peace without guarantees.
This just embolden russia to rape Ukraine again for more lands. Marco Rubio is promoting a forever war.
Ukraine guarantees were taken away when the nukes were taken away.
only if you kick russia out of Ukraine.