I know it’s state media but I don’t think the UK wants to make trouble with Iran in the current political climate.
I know it’s state media but I don’t think the UK wants to make trouble with Iran in the current political climate.
Well obviously fucking yes. Pick a random successful political movement and there’s a 99% chance it had a violent wing. I know that Americans are only taught the sanitized versions of many of this stuff, but come on.
Even MLK’s mostly peaceful actions only had teeth because Malcom X was showing people what a non-peaceful protest would look like.
MLK even says something similar in A Letter From A Birmingham Jail. Essentially he responds to criticism of his methods by saying (among a whole lot of other things) “this? This is the nice option. If these protests were violent the South would turn into a sea of blood”.
I did.
Liberals are, for all their talk, in a Stockholm Syndrome kind of love with the DNC.
I don’t think the BBC is manufacturing consent for anything.
I know it’s a joke; just being a pedant.
Not quite. The places they’re trying to resettle them to are all a lot more populous than Gaza. They’d be persecuted there too.
America and Israel never accepted it. So far Gazans are in Zionist limbo.
Liberals are, for all their talk, in a Stockholm Syndrome kind of love with the DNC. BlueMAGA is some combination of a death cult and an abusive relationship.
Not they. So far it’s only Schumer and Fetterman, and Fetterman was a lost cause anyway.
I said the global South, not the Southern hemisphere.
Since most countries there are generally considered to politically align with China/Russia due to “anti imperialism”,
Are you sure about that? To my knowledge some countries align strongly with Russia or China (mainly Russia as China doesn’t pursue alliances outside their immediate sphere of influence), but the vast majority are opportunists who only marginally sway one side or the other. I’m from the Middle East so I can’t speak much to other regions, but anti-West sentiment is mostly a common people thing that doesn’t make its way to the top levels of government (which are, as I said, primarily concerned with getting the best deal they can). For example geopolitically Egypt is American-aligned because America is supporting the floundering regime financially and militarily, and Morocco naturalized relations with Israel in exchange for US recognition for their claims over Western Sahara. The countries that do align with Russia due to “anti-imperialism” are mostly looking for a new boss to replace the old boss because they hate the old boss (stares at France). This is all to say: Russia and America aligning is of no immediate concern to most countries that don’t have close ties to Western Europe; it’s all about navigating conflicts between global powers and getting the best deal possible for oneself and one’s country.
A notable exception is probably Iran, which will probably be distanced by Russia if the US-Russia alignment fully progresses. However, this is because Iran is trying to attain regional dominance, so rather than getting the best deal they know the deal they want and they’re trying to get it.
Well, the crux of the issue is that for the last 80 years Western and Central European countries have been content to be America’s lackies and help further their imperialist ambitions around the world even though the EU itself is mostly not imperialist itself (emphasis on mostly stares at France). The biggest example of this is probably Israel. If Europe cuts off America they’d have no reason to continue supporting Israel (which they absolutely do; the EU is Israel’s biggest trading partner) because the only thing Europe gains from supporting Israel in the first place is pleasing America.
Sucks for Ukraine but I’m looking forward to how this will affect the world geopolitically. Hopefully the breaking of Europe with America will give the global South some breathing room.
Because there was a lot more genocide happening in October 2024. I mean hello? The war with Hezbollah and the North Gaza offensives were both in full swing then. Now we’re in a temporary “pause” in the genocide*, so there are less people saying genocide.
*There’s more genocide happening in the West Bank, but that has always gotten less reporting from Western media because it’s not as flashy.
Nobody is silent about this what the fuck are you even talking about?
At this point I think the leopards ate their own face.