That’s not honest at all. European leaders may not always have liked how the Americans operated, but there always was a large amount of respect that stemmed from much more than just military might. The US has been a frontrunner humanitarian aid, soft diplomacy, scientific research and economic development since at least the end of WW2. Europe looked to the US to take the lead in global conflicts because the US always took the lead and would not have it otherwise.
With the Trump 2.0 administration however, European leaders do look down on the US administration for their incompetence and severe lack of manners and decency.
Having no shame is actually a perfect tool against blackmail. Take for example the former Indonesian president Sukarno. Sukarno was delighted when the KGB told him they had a tape of him having an orgy with Russian flight attendants and asked if he could have some copies. The CIA also tried and failed to blackmail him with (fabricated) sex tapes.
Rule number 1 of international law is that it is not a set of laws, but a set of agreements that don’t have the power of law.
Thinking about why the US is so keen on Greenland: It’s only relevant for them if they intend to make enemies out of the EU, because they already have all the access they need. But only as long as they are allied with Europe.
It’s clear where this is headed. Russia is not the only reason why Europe is rearming.