Pretty sure Libre only does local document collaboration, having it online is helpful for teams far from each other or who simply don’t have the infrastructure for their own central server of this kind.
Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman
Pretty sure Libre only does local document collaboration, having it online is helpful for teams far from each other or who simply don’t have the infrastructure for their own central server of this kind.
Nice. Where is the source, on github (I didn’t see it but I only skimmed)? Federated? Self-hostable?
I’m so glad I wasn’t the only person who immediately thought “This is some Wile E. Coyote shit.”
Newspeak and doublethink at the same time, ackshually, but I think everybody gets what you both mean.
Lots of people had pointed out the issues with the IBA and who they were run by while this was happening.
The fact that it takes organizations like the IOC this fucking long to research and prove it is a fucking joke.
Institutions simply do not move as fast as misinformation.
A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.
It doesn’t help that the information is readily available and easily provable yet dinosaur institutions think they need to spend nine fucking months “investigating” it before they can make a fucking statement.
Who’d have fuckin’ guessed that the country that’s burning bridges with all their allies might have a currency that may not be doing so hot?
Good, at least someone is paying attention.
I always somehow miss when it stops working and by the time I go to YouTube again it’s already working again.
Blessings to Gorhill
Sounds like an easy choice to me.