Imma gonna call him winnie the pooh all I want and you can’t stop me
check your whistle and be saddened
I suspect you’re not gonna get complete plastic free off the shelf down here - even a stovetop kettle has a plastic whistle and handle. If you want to support Australian companies, the breville glass / stainless steel ones have minimal plastic (mostly in the hinges, handle and some base moulding).
Otherwise there’s the Saki Luna (entirely stainless steel), Bella do ceramics IIRC and last I saw Ascot were doing some exciting things with glass and steel…
One of these cultures has normalised vegan and vegetarianism for centuries, the other is trying to wean a meat-obsessed population.
They are not the same thing, nor do they have the same requirements to reach their end goals
We don’t know his plans. They go to another school