… You doing okay?
… You doing okay?
But… they’re attacking said world-collapsable superpower precisely by flying drones at boats. But US geopolitical ties to the House of Saud really are too complex to summarize in a lemmy comment!
So that said, a summary in a lemmy comment: The regional power of the US is very much tied to the stability of Saudi power in the region, which is itself tied to approx. three thousand years of political infighting, outfighting and just general fighting. Its complicated, but our bases alone in the region are dependent on keeping the Saudis in power, and are a huge US consideration.
Idk what realizable power the houtis have, I haven’t actually been arguing for them being in what you may call a “good position” since the start of this. All I think is that grabbing the attention of an unstable lunatic is probably a bad idea when he’s the head of an operation that can casually warcrime hundreds of your people when not even really trying. Focusing that attention on yourself when you’re the aggressors is… only going to end badly, and I wish they acted like they knew that.
There’s been more than enough death already without pouring fuel onto the funeral pyres, and as much as I’d like to stop the killing on the “killing” side, that’s proving really hard.
The fall of the saudi oil fields would lead to the weakening of opec, and thus the already precarious nature of the petro dollar, a cornerstone of american financial hegemony, would be scooted just that much closer to the edge of collapse. But it is gross understatement to say the politics of this region cannot be accurately summarized in a lemmy comment.
As contentious statements go, “The average american does not posess even an abstract understanding of the political and economic realities present in the mid. east” is one I wouldn’t even consider objecting to.
American media has been largely portentious of the loss of a major strategic asser whilst under Trump’s care, but you do make a good point…
If a movement doesn’t understand the difference between picking one’s battles and acquiescense it’s cause is already long lost.
The rate at which the trump admin is willing to turn Resistance Fighters into Martyr Paste is unsustainable for everyone except the trump admin. Antagonizing that administration now, during one of it’s many fits of impotent self-importance, is going to end in more dead civilians than if you’d just waited a few days for it’s idiot attention span to burn out. It’s not a war of attrition based on the competing political wills of two populaces any more, its an abhorent massacre overseen by a psycho. The name of the game is no longer ‘Defeat or Drive Out’, its ‘Survive’.
Guys this was always a bad idea, but like right now especially this seems like a very bad choice to make. Christ knows we’re looking to make an example out of some more brown people…
Because when have internal italian politics ever had repercussions for the rest of Europe…
Better for knowing you’re alright, really.