What you’re saying hits home.
Conservatives have this tough guy routine, that going to work when you’re sick is just manly or “alpha”. It’s bullshit. Then they spread it so everyone else can get it.
But the tough thing to do, is go to work, after pumping yourself full of nyquil, or Tylenol, or whatever. It’s just so stupid and obvious. They’re so “tough” yet they need all this OTC junk to ease the symptoms. Not to mention, not being productive at work, cause you feel like shit. As well as taking longer to get better.
Personally, I prefer not to take any meds at all. Just go home, sleep a lot, drink water, eat soup, chill, rest, etc.
Agreed, but you could spin it a number of ways. The “tough guy work ethic” cultural propaganda is to just go to work when sick. The fact that your not as productive when you feel shitty, well, the owners would have to actually care. Their argument is they’d probably prefer a sick employee only working at 70% their normal productivity, is better than letting them stay home.
The other much bigger thing is, how much money is over the counter meds industry profiting? Do they have lawyers and lobbyists? Is this profit entrenched in Wall Street investors and quarterly profits?
Which wins? Altruism for the worker bee, or rich peoples money and power?