That tracks, it’s Jason Pargin. He’s the king of oversimplifying an argument and then hammering it into the ground, but it’s always at least entertaining.
That tracks, it’s Jason Pargin. He’s the king of oversimplifying an argument and then hammering it into the ground, but it’s always at least entertaining.
Presumably, Pudin has some blackmail material on Orange Julius, though it’s hard to imagine there’s any information out there that could damage him. Russia literally already said they helped him win, so now he owes them. We already know he was Epstein’s child trafficking partner; we already know he’s a pedophile and a rapist and a child rapist. Whatever they’ve got on him must be insane.
You’re probably right, but this feels an awful lot like a ‘violence in video games will lead to violence in real life’ argument.
Just gonna add that it can also be installed directly to any Linux PC or in a docker container. The raspberry pi isn’t necessarily necessary.
There’s a pretty wide fucking chasm between Jason Pargin and Joe Rogan, but I take your point. Honestly I’m not sure it’s necessarily a bad thing, the left could use a Roganesque figure; especially one who isn’t afraid to call people on their bullshit rather than buy into it.