Copyright IS about protecting creators
No, it isn’t. The intent WAS to “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts”. The reality IS that it harms society, by benefiting only the already powerful.
I’m also on Mastodon as https://hachyderm.io/@BoydStephenSmithJr .
Copyright IS about protecting creators
No, it isn’t. The intent WAS to “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts”. The reality IS that it harms society, by benefiting only the already powerful.
I believe that the protection copyright provides is proportionate to how much you can spend on lawyers. So, no protection for the smallest creators, and little protection for smaller creators against larger corporations.
I support extreme copyright reform, though I doubt it should be completely removed.
The reason copyright exists is for the same reason patents do: to protect the little guy.
If you actually believe this is still true, I’ve got a bridge to sell ya’.
This hasn’t been true since the '70s, at the latest.
I could be convinced of that.
I think extreme reform would be of more benefit. Copyright as-is is an active harm.