Projection, much?
Projection, much?
Nope. Guess you’ll have to keep going out till it is! If you wont, who will?
So go out and protest!
Incorrect, you need good soil to grow food to eat. Do you think that food comes from the supermarket? Am I interacting with a toddler?
“Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.”
Just like the American foreign policy that Americans voted for.
Don’t you have children to protect?
calling on us to just start blasting
When did I say that? Please argue in good faith using reality.
You act like going out to protest means you’re definitely going to get shot. That isn’t true, stop making excuses.
“Insults are the last refuge of a fool.”
Considering the warm reception of this thread, I don’t feel anyone here is worth wasting that time on. I’m writing a book about my adventures you can pirate it when it comes out.
I did, from 2011-2015. I went on the road to protest, gave up everything, because I believe in something more important than myself.
Ok. You win? Congrats I guess. Countdown to America government collapse, T-minus…
If I don’t go to work because I was protesting I will be fired.
So were they, it just wasn’t a good enough excuse for them to go out and protest. You must be the other type of guy.
EDIT - I also see you hunting me down in other threads, very hinged of you.
So you’re saying your democracy isn’t worth the sacrifices that countless before you have made? And you’re not up to that task? Not surprised.
I’m disabled, after 14 years of activism, grassroots organizing, and protesting. Been arrested many times sacrificing my safety and liberty for human rights, taken beatings by fascists and beatings by cops. What’s your excuse, toiletboy?
I know, thanks to American capitalism and their almighty sacred petrodollar preventing any socialist revolution elsewhere. Look up CIA, School of the Americas, and USAID to know more.
There’s tons more, there’s a whole Enlightenment Period to learn from. Of course, I posted these links before and they get downvoted, no doubt Americans will downvote the sacrifices of peoples who fought for their comforts today. Shameful culture without a shared history among them.
Then Trump will be legally allowed to invade the hague.
“The United States is not a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The American Service-Members’ Protection Act authorizes the President of the United States to use “all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court”. This authorization led to the act being nicknamed “The Hague Invasion Act”,[4] since the act would allow the president to order military action in The Hague, the seat of the ICC, to prevent American or allied officials and military personnel from being prosecuted or detained by the ICC.[5]”
EDIT - While I realize this doesn’t apply to sanctions, it still sets a scary precedent for checking USA’s actions.