Just like prices ending in .99, a significant amount of useful idiots are going to look at the word “lost” and assume it means killed.
Just like prices ending in .99, a significant amount of useful idiots are going to look at the word “lost” and assume it means killed.
The thing is, for the war it doesn’t really have much meaning whether the loss is through death or a serious wound.
Not true. A soldier that’s killed isn’t going back home to his family. He’ll never have kids. He’ll never contribute to the economy ever again.
Trying to say kills don’t matter in a war is retarded.
“Russia suffered x casualties in y time.”
Just like prices ending in .99, a significant amount of useful idiots are going to look at the word “lost” and assume it means killed.
That’s how propaganda works and it shouldn’t have to be spelled out for you.
Lost, huh?
Does that mean casualties? As in, not necessarily deaths?
Russia has lost 1,330 soldiers killed and wounded over the past day alone
I would assume the answer is ‘yes.’
Fuck I hate the propaganda reporting on both sides.
I always think less of people when I see them jerking themselves off over isms and sects.
Truly missing the forest for the trees.
I don’t know what you said, but I can safely assume you’ve been conditioned to believe that government is evil no matter what.
That kind of indoctrination is hard to overcome, especially when you dig your heels deeper every time you discuss it.
Try to keep in mind that you’ve been conditioned to work against your own interests by people richer than you. These people recognize the threat government poses to their wealth, so they peddle rhetoric to people like you to get you to vote against your own interests.
It’s very effective.
Libertarians that aren’t making money off of the ideology just haven’t grown up yet. Once you look at the libertarians who have renounced their libertarianism, it becomes obvious who’s a child and who’s an adult.
Whew! Lot of censorship going on here!
Wish there was a lemmy setting that allowed us to displayed censored comments without having to go through extra steps.
Let me decide what I get to see!
Eh, we’ve had that generation for awhile now.
Public schooling has never fostered critical thinking skills.* If it did, students would be asking themselves why they have to work so hard while rich kids don’t.
Public schooling has been best at rewarding people who are willing to take abuse while punishing those who do not. It’s main purpose is to create effective servants for the ruling class.
It doesn’t need to be this way, but it is and will stay until we decide to change our culture.
*I’ve had great teachers that have gone above and beyond to get students thinking about the bigger picture, usually history and literature teachers. I’m thankful to have met them and studied under them. It’s sad seeing how their hands are tied when trying to really educate students about the world around them.
It makes sense when you realize most of them are stupid people pretending to be smart.
Watermarks need to go away.
Why isn’t this censored comment showing up when I try to “view comment moderation history?”
It’s ironic, because I’m sure most libertarians have convinced themselves they’re being mature by working against their own interests.
I dunno. At some point you have to recognize that’s what libertarians are when the overwhelming majority of them fit his description.
Instead of trying to argue that most libertarians “aren’t true libertarians,” you’d be better off finding a different word to describe what you want to communicate.
I’m a firm-believer that libertarianism is a way to grift working class people who think they’re better than other working class people.
She looks pretty gross, but maybe she was hot 30 years ago?