The Turkish people are more European than Middle-Eastern. Especially the educated ones in Ankara and along the western coastlines. If they can oust that geriatric wannabe dictator, it’s going to be the best country to live in for me.
The Turkish people are more European than Middle-Eastern. Especially the educated ones in Ankara and along the western coastlines. If they can oust that geriatric wannabe dictator, it’s going to be the best country to live in for me.
Yes it is that simple, however I will admit that sometimes we make mistakes, and in those scenarios, assistant systems are good to have. However, fog doesn’t just “explode out of thin air”, and if the car in front of you had to emergency brake and that meant you had to emergency brake as well, then it means you were not keeping a safe distance.
I used to drive a lot. I see how close people tailgate even when they are not trying to be aggressive - and I am not surprised that this leads to crashes. But almost all of them are ignoring basic safety rules they were taught - at least here in Germany. And since in some countries (like the fascist southern states of northern america, formerly USA) a driver’s license basically involves no education at all in most places, more accidents happen. I have driven on the highways of the pre-fascist southern states of northern america, and the rate of dangerous driving combined with less control over the vehicle is much higher than in the average European country.
As you say, it’s nice if there is an additional assistant, also for e.g. health emergencies.
That said: Driving assistants should only ever be that: assistants. They are not a replacement for safe and controlled driving. I know I’ve been an arsehole on some occasions when I had my driver’s license fresh, and I got lucky that I didn’t have any accidents until I learned to calm down and drive with respect for other people and animals. Just throwing that in here to say I don’t consider myself a saint. But anything “self driving” should be forbidden everywhere, unless it’s on rails that the vehicle can not reasonably escape even if it wanted to (i.e. trains).
Exactly, my previous car (BMW) once saved me in the fog by emergency braking for something I wasn’t able to see yet.
If you were driving at a speed at which the low visibility would have gotten you into into an accident due to some obstable you weren’t able to see yet, you were driving too fast. Simple, isn’t it?
My hope is not dead yet - it’s more likely for Turkey to go back to democracy in the next years than it is e.g. for Hungary - or for the divided states of america, for that matter.