The "international rules-based order no longer exists (maybe it never really existed on the first place). International law isn’t murky here, it’s crystal clear: Israel is committing (yet another) war crime, they’re not even trying to hide it, and the US, the UK, Australia, and a number of other “western democracies” are just looking the other way.
I’m not American. Palestine wasn’t the only reason, but it certainly lost Harris the Arab vote and Trump only just scraped through.
I suppose he had to offer, it was his support of Israel murdering Palestinian women and children that lost Harris the election, but I think it’s best for Joe to have a quiet retirement.
Maybe, in time, we’ll remember him fondly as Obama’s VP.
I have a friend who works as a civilian in Defense. Everyone has to acquire and maintain the highest level of security clearance to keep their jobs, and travel to certain overseas countries is verboten because of the risk of foreign intelligence “honeypots”.
Apparently, a senior engineer took a holiday to China 3 months before retirement and didn’t even take the most basic precautions such as keeping quiet about his job and security clearance, so of course he got honey-potted.
He reported it when he got home and his security clearance was pulled, “No big deal, I’m retiring”.
The Chinese said they’d tell his employer what happened, “Go ahead, I already did”, and his wife, “I’m not married”. 😂
Must be hard being a junior political staffer. A bit like redshirts in Star Trek, when things go wrong you know who’s going to cop it. 😂