“These violent delights have violent ends” - Dolores
That show has so much promise in the first season! So much wasted potential!!!
Yeah, it’s easily one of my favorites, even though I’ve never finished it. I was deep into the third season, then I googled something about the show and discovered the last season got cancelled. I thought it was pointless to continue, since one entire season is a gap too big to fill with theories.
Just another brick in the wall of cancelled masterpieces, just like the TF2 Webcomic.
There were more seasons of Romeo & Juliet??
🎵 “Life in plastic, it’s fantastic” 🎵
Why do the guys look like that Paul guy? The one who “fought” Mike Tyson?
Ok, so it’s not just me who sees the resemblance
Yeah the guy Theo Von got bullied by at the trump inauguration then the next day Theo apologized to him for it. 2/5 stars meme id bang the chicks though.
thanks, I hate it
I wanna fuck the goth girl now. Damn you AI.
I can’t fuck a cartoon. This is way more realistic.
Fucking a AI generated image, however, ez peasy
My experience with the internet suggests that you are all but alone in that assertion. I was going to say I don’t know anything about that personally but Nick Wilde from zootopia did kind of get me (I’ve always had a soft spot for the trickster archetype).
Not with that attitude.
Oh good, just what we need.
More 15-year-old girls.
Edit: /s
The AI. They’re using it to produce 15-year-old girls. You actually looked at the picture before commenting, right?
Oh heck. I forgot the /s
Hate to break it to ya but they’re still not alive, just more realistic-looking.
Haha same
This is an image with captions; usually these are meant as metaphors, jokes, fiction, or exaggerations.
Okay but it says “They brought us to live with AI” as a sort of fourth wall breaking. Even within this context that’s not really true, I get what is meant but it should be phrased differently like “They make us look realistic with AI”, or something in that vein.