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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • In addition to a comically large bill to pay, Saudi Arabia has a pretty significant issue with attracting outside investors / tourism. I’m guessing most people visiting this thread can’t name the capital of SA (hint, it’s not Dubai… That’s not even in the right country)

    No one wants to visit because they’re actively hostile towards even the slightest imposition on their beliefs. It’s hard to justify going somewhere where you could get locked up for what would elsewhere be considered a minor faux pas.

    Good luck justifying a $9T vanity project that will only be visited / populated by citizen oil workers, assuming they will even still have jobs in a few decades.

    SA needs to undergo some pretty significant cultural shifts before even considering dropping a few trilly on some new digs.

  • CPU intensive servers like Minecraft are where you start to run into problems with older hardware. If it’s just you on there, a 10 year old CPU is fine, but if you’ve got a few friends, the server may start to struggle to keep up.

    Not sure how recently you ran this, or what all your were running, but in the past couple of years Paper has hit some pretty major milestones in unlocking threaded processing. Barring some sort of spammy 0-tick redstone nonsense or over the top plugins, I’d wager a Raspberry Pi 4 could handle up to about 5 or 6 friends without seeing any TPS dips. Its really remarkable how far they’ve pushed performance recently.