In addition to a comically large bill to pay, Saudi Arabia has a pretty significant issue with attracting outside investors / tourism. I’m guessing most people visiting this thread can’t name the capital of SA (hint, it’s not Dubai… That’s not even in the right country)
No one wants to visit because they’re actively hostile towards even the slightest imposition on their beliefs. It’s hard to justify going somewhere where you could get locked up for what would elsewhere be considered a minor faux pas.
Good luck justifying a $9T vanity project that will only be visited / populated by citizen oil workers, assuming they will even still have jobs in a few decades.
SA needs to undergo some pretty significant cultural shifts before even considering dropping a few trilly on some new digs.
Yes, it absolutely can, it’s super easy! Just swap your Minecraft .jar with Paper and it’ll do the rest. It’s a tiny bit harder to go back, but only marginally.
Out of the box, aside from huge performance benefits, Paper is virtually indistinguishable from vanilla, but it also opens the door to a whole world of easy-to-use server-side plugins.
Edit: (you should still make a backup before swapping, just in case)