geez, havent heard that one. wheres the quote from?
geez, havent heard that one. wheres the quote from?
With all the civil rights violations by the current administration that lawyers, civil rights groups and judges are blocking and fighting, the people defending civil rights are going to be better at defending and restoring civil rights, as well as more motivated to do so now that they see for themselves how quickly those civil rights can be abolished in their generation, right in front of their faces, specifically due to imprecise language protecting and codifying those rights.
and more will follow, thank goodness
Rump bragged he would basically sabotage the utility of weapons and equipment the US sells to allies.
I’ll tell you, I backpack between cities regular, and a lot of those agricultural towns don’t even have police stations.
every time someone, including myself quotes the population of China, (officially 1.4 billion), I think about the huge towns in the middle of nowhere that I’ve been to and think “or maybe 2 billion”
“You need me to recap this exchange…?”
nope, I did that for you a couple comments above.
“as they saw China, the country, as in the regime, as dangerous”
you are making things up. That is not what @DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee said.
@DicksAndPizza@lemm.ee said:
"I hate the culture”, “I hate Chinese culturue”, “fuck China”, “I hate the whole thing”
The whole thing, sport. The people, the culture, the whole thing.
After I pointed out this was racist, DP was quick to change his tune, and say he hated everything about China, specifically the culture, except the people.
Hating culture or thinking one is superior to another is racism, especially when you know so little about the culture except the people who make it up.
Quick def for you: “Cultural racism is a concept that has been applied to prejudices and discrimination based on cultural differences between ethnic or racial groups. This includes the idea that some cultures are superior to others”
“Your concern was their apparent racism”
Yeah, I don’t like racism so I call it out when it occurs. Usually it stems from ignorance, and they just have to be called out to be woken up.
“criticizing this position of your,”
not my position, you’re making this up.
" personally find America snd China’s regimes parallels,"
absolutely absurd, as I explained above. but it’s good you changed your tune to: “although ideologically opposite”, which is still incorrect but more open-minded.
See, all I have to do is call you guys out and you start thinking more critically.
“without addressing a single point of it”
Which part do you want more help on? I have a lot of time and am free to continue correcting and educating you.
“without addressing a single point of it”
clearly not true, and you know it:
“except for…”
except for addressing every single point. With verifiable knowledge.
“I’ve already deemed this a closed argument”
Oh, clearly, it’s so closed you needed to write paragraphs rewriting yours and others’ comment history and reframing their racism.
“Be well, have a good one.”
Thanks, I’m having a GREAT one!
I have to get all your uninformed false starts out of the way somehow.
“…you instantly decided I was talking about China when…”
Yes, seeing as how you said you were commenting on a thread about China and the US, and then at the end mentioned the Chinese and the Americans by name with reference to your comments, I did come to the conclusion you were talking about China and the US.
since you were literally talking about China and the US.
“Thank you for remembering China has, technically, the longest standing continuous civilization.”
I did not say that and that is incorrect, but you’re welcome.
“I’m aware”
clearly, you are not.
“But since we are focusing our attention on recent history…”
that is your personal myopia, do not speak for others.
“Shall we deny the revolution led by Mao…”
I guess you could, but I don’t see the point of disagreeing with me there.
His regime and its effects are very well documented, If you look into it at all, you’re just going to prove me right.
“let’s also ignore and deny the…”
go for it.
you understand that your denial of basic historical facts is the reason you are so far off base here, right?
“Fascinating how any ideology, when led to it’s extremes degenerates into essentially the same outcome.”
I was waiting for your historically incorrect conclusion of magnet theory, and you finally made your way there.
your argument that the sky and the ocean are the same thing because they’re so far apart from each other is a ridiculous conclusion, but explains your thought process.
I haven’t deleted any of my comments. Why would I?
I prefer confronting bigots and those with limited understanding and correcting their ignorance.
You being racist is not “all good dude.”
You changing your tune is not bad, though.
You’re the only one frightened enough to be using personal insults.
Saying an entire country sucks ass when all you know about it is the race of its people is racist.
Hating cultures you don’t know anything about is racist.
What you said is racist.
I’m glad you’re changing your tune, but it doesn’t change your earlier racism.
“…I know these things.”
You are factually incorrect. you obviously know nothing about china if you think a huge swath of their workforce is useless.
You don’t know things, you are ignorant of things.
what you know: “I hate the culture”, “I hate Chinese culturue”, “fuck China”, “I hate the whole thing”
Most of this is defined as “cultural racism” - "Cultural racism is a concept that has been applied to prejudices and discrimination based on cultural differences between ethnic or racial groups. This includes the idea that some cultures are superior to others "
You said you hate all of it,which includes the 1.4 billion people, which is more conventional racism.
You are racist and are saying racist insults. That’s who you are now, but you do not have to be stuck there.
Now you are trying to change what you said, and claim you are not racist. That’s a good first step, really.
“So, in one corner, we have…” a biased collection of recent historical political actions by one man by which you are judging an entire country, its culture that has existed at least 300 times as long as that dictator, as well as a population of 1.4 billion other people.
“On the other, we have…” a failed direct comparison that falls apart under the lightest scrutiny.
“You can loathe a regime and have nothing against the people underneath it”
nobody argued you can’t.
“Chinese were lead…” oh boy. rough.
“Americans were subtly led…”
HAhah, come on…okay. Please elucidate the subtleties of the American conservative, particularly their blunt leader.
“The original premise: a land of freedom, for the people.” This is incorrect. a “Muslim ban” was proposed.
look at his policies. Rump is a rapist. not a subtle rapist, just a rapist.
“f we can not agree both countries are, essentially, the same, then one of us is refusing to aknowledge facts”
I think you are much more ignorant of the facts than refusing to acknowledge them here.
These countries are not the same at all. All facts go against your failed comparisons here and the similarity between the two countries overall.
In fact, you argue against your own conclusion by claiming the two recent dictators came to power differently.
You have no cohesive point or consistency except for how contextually and factually ignorant you are regarding every point you try to make.
Unsurprising, you are clearly coming from a limited awareness and perspective. Best of luck.
“china is its politics.”
Absurdly ignorant.
You think a 3000 year old country as large as the US with 1.4 billion people is defined by the recent political actions of a single leader who seized power a decade ago?
You are perceptually limited here, not the Chinese people and their culture.
You are woefully ignorant of both what “china” and “politics” are.
“Basically no one there questions their surveillance”
You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about. Do you have any evidence of this lack of questioning from 1.4 billion people? The protests? Articles? No? Of course you don’t you’re dead wrong.
“what’s more, they ridicule those who oppose it”
Chinese people are regularly censured and go to jail for protesting against Xi policies. Go ahead and provide a shred of evidence for your ignorant claims.
Nobody is going to join you down there except other racists. Have fun with each other.
“…as facts, that is called dumb and deceived…”
You use incorrect words, conjugations, punctuation and definitions as incorrect responses to your own reading incomprehension. I can help you with your English(the capitalized language).
“Your comments really come off as CCP propaganda”
i warned against condemning and insulting am entire country of people and their culture because the self-appointed dictator is a harmful influence.
so by me criticizing the head of the CCP and his harmful influence on China, you are seeing “CCP propaganda”?
sounds like you might be influenced by…propaganda.
“trying to fool people for the sake of a shitty government.”
how does my criticism of the head of the Chinese government in charge of all policy decisions in the last decade fool youn into support of the Chinese government?
“I literally said that I don’t hate Chinese people, I hate the culture”
hating a culture, especially when you don’t know anything about except the race of the people who make that culture, is racist.
what you actually said is:
“That country fucking sucks ass.”
these are your new arguments:
"That is not racist to hate „work to death“ and „be worthless unless you reach a certain social status“ etc. "
nobody said that was racist, because you haven’t said those before.
what is racist is you not liking Chinese people and their culture for no reason other than their race.
I am glad you are changing your position.
“I’m sure there a nice aspects.”
there are many.
“But most of the culture seems forced and cruel.”
this is a statement born of ignorance, you can’t draw this conclusion because you obviously don’t know anything about the culture.
as seen here:
“It’s all dependent on social status and that’s kinda sad.”
this is incorrect, stop drawing racist conclusions based on your assumptions and ignorance.
“how is this possibly racist?”
what is racist is you not liking Chinese people and their culture for no reason other than their race.
to the point that you will vehemently insult an entire country, including its people, despite not knowing what you’re talking about.
“Someone is very butthurt. Probably Chinese, by chance?”
nope, just smart,well-traveled and knowledgeable.
and… not a racist like you!
yes, it is racist to hate an entire country of people because of who they are.
that is racism. here look:
“Some deserve to be condemned. And I hate Chinese culture.”
idiotic, ignorant and absurd racism.
“And Japanese for that matter.”
“They are dystopian if you take a closer look.”
you are obviously ignorant about either of those countries and especially anything about their culture.
which utopian country are you from?
“If a country keeps a horrible leader for that many years, it also tells a lot btw”
oh look, you’re blinding ignorance.
xi abolished term limits years ago. he is not kept in power, he seized it; Trump said he would like to do the same thing.
“Normally you would re to get rid of said leaders.”
wildly historically inaccurate and ignorant!
"But apparently it’s fine. "
nope, and embarrassingly ignorant.
good on you, there’s always going to be a better world to fight for