So the democratic party seems to be in a civil war right now between the old guard like Schumer and the more progressive side like Bernie and AOC. But the conservatives seem to be fractured themselves based on some of the town halls we’ve been seeing, even if the media wont report in them, which could lead to more republicans fleeing to the democrat side making it more right wing. However, It’s clear the old strategy may wasn’t working and many on both sides want more progressive ideas. But was the failure of the 2024 election enough to shake up the party? What are your thoughts?
With all the civil rights violations by the current administration that lawyers, civil rights groups and judges are blocking and fighting, the people defending civil rights are going to be better at defending and restoring civil rights, as well as more motivated to do so now that they see for themselves how quickly those civil rights can be abolished in their generation, right in front of their faces, specifically due to imprecise language protecting and codifying those rights.
Yeah, if we can win this and kick him out, I’m not going to stop my activism for years. Even if we can’t, I’m going to be an activist somewhere in the free world after I run.
good on you, there’s always going to be a better world to fight for