What’s the difference between world and ml?
What’s the difference between world and ml?
No that’s the thing, it won’t only be when you buy a Tesla, it will be when you do whatever the mob terrorists deem wrong.
Insurance premiums will rise across the board. Ask two or three insurance companies if you don’t want to take my word for it. You have no idea how insurance businesses operate.
I’m glad you do not condone vandalism.
Again, maybe one days you will be on the receiving end of such despicable attacks on private citizens, and only then you might change your mind. It doesn’t need to be about Tesla. It doesn’t even need to be about something you agree with.
Insurance prices will rise across the board, maybe more for Tesla, but also for other brands. That is just how insurance works.
You can impact new car sales simply by encouraging people to not buy a new Tesla. You don’t need to destroy people’s private property to accomplish that goal.
You are condoning terrorism. Do better.
That is politics. Are you suggesting it is acceptable to destroy private property that belongs to the members of the AFD?
Sure, but they won’t.
Maybe one day you will be on the receiving end of such despicable attacks on private citizens and only then you might change your mind.
You do not get to dictate what cars people get to buy, nor what kind of insurance they must have. That is not how insurance works, premiums will go up for everyone.
Besides, you tell people to sell their cars, while you acknowledge the big financial hit that would involve; who are they going to sell it to? Whoever buys it will also suffer from the vandalism you encourage.
Maybe one day you will be on the receiving end of such despicable attacks on private citizens and only then you might change your mind.
You do not get to dictate what cars people get to buy, nor what kind of insurance they must have. That is not how insurance works, premiums will go up for everyone.
Besides, you tell people to sell their cars, while you acknowledge the big financial hit that would involve; who are they going to sell it to? Whoever buys it will also suffer from the vandalism you encourage.
While NATO’s Article 5 states that an attack on one member is an attack on all, it does not mandate a specific response, but rather each member decides what actions it deems necessary to assist the attacked member.
Besides, Panama is not a NATO member.
You know people can attack Tesla’s future income stream simply by not buying a Tesla.
There’s no need to destroy random citizens private property and we already established they are not made whole by insurance.
It is naive to think insurance prices will only rise for future Tesla owners.
If I disagree with something you do, that does not justify me destroying your private property.
NATO can’t sanction the US.
First time?
No, you wouldn’t be attacking Musk, you are attacking random people.
If you want to attack Musk, then target his own properties, not random people’s; not that I condone violence either way.
Not everybody has insurance that covers vandalism. Most people have a deductible they need to pay before the insurance kick in. You are forcing people to take time out of their day to take the car to the shop for repairs and/or have to deal with long administrative tasks.
Premiums would not only go up for future Tesla owners.
You don’t get to decide who uses what product and commit vandalism acts if they choose differently than you.
They don’t care. They are psychopaths,
You’re not attacking a billionaire. You are attacking random private citizens.
I do not condone violence but if you must act violently, at least target the dealership, not random people’s private property.
Europe is doing the opposite of “speak quietly and carry a big stick”
So many people on social media cheering for vandalizing other people’s private property just because they disagree with the politics of the maker of their cars. Wild.
That’s called war, do you want to start a war?