it had more money than god, and decided to play high risk games. it will burn.
I might not be alive to see it, because, you know, the camps and the death squads, but it will.
it had more money than god, and decided to play high risk games. it will burn.
I might not be alive to see it, because, you know, the camps and the death squads, but it will.
well, no, he wouldn’t have to pay taxes, because he’s special, and any IRS agent who put their name on the ‘please pay us’ would be personally fired and then someone would have them disappeared.
but it is a nice idea.
some of us are neoposadists, and really hoping for it.
yes but remember; trump lives in florida. so he wouldn’t actually give it up, and they’d be able to taunt him until he dies.
feels wrong if the americans don’t wager something. florida, maybe.
I would argue that we are not americans. just people who were born here and can’t get out.
americans do not have allies, they have minions and masters. you should have started that shame a long time ago.
maybe! americans DO hate women really really passionately. there was a famous canadian author who wrote a book about it.
a bullet is aimed. this man was media. the blue-and-white nazis are known for targeting journalists.
that actually depends. it’s far less likely than a shitlib who thinks rules are magic spells might assume, but there is a case to be made:
there’s quite a lot of capital outside the country which is not happy about all this instability nonsense, and a lot of the finance industry is seriously upset by even the THOUGHT of reneging on US treasury bonds, for which they hold this administration responsible, among many many many lesser sins that they thought were just empty campaign promises. taking apart this bastards corpse so fast the water doesn’t even turn pink might be just the example the finance ghouls think they need to make to secure the bag.