1 day agoI’ve moved to all containers and I’m gradually automating everything. The metaphor for orchestration and provisioning is much clearer in incus than it was in lxd, and makes way more sense than proxmox.
Proxmox is fine, I’ve used it for going on 8 years now, I’m still using it, in fact. But it’s geared toward a “safe” view of abstraction that makes lxc containers seem like virtual machines, and they absolutely aren’t, they are much, much more flexible and powerful than vms.
There are also really annoying deficiencies in proxmox that I’ve taken for granted for a long time as well:
- horrible builtin resource usage metrics. And I’m happy to run my influxdb/grafana stack to monitor, but users should be able to access those metrics locally and natively, especially if they’re going to be exported by the default metrics export anyway.
- weird hangovers from early proxmox versions on io delay. Proxmox is still making users go chase down iostat rabbit holes to figure out why io_wait and “io delay” are not the same metric, and why the root cause is almost always disk, yet proxmox shows the io_wait stat as if it could be “anything”
- integration of pass through devices is a solved problem, even for lxc, yet the bulk of questions for noobs is about just that. Pass through is solved for so many platforms, why proxmox just doesn’t have that as a GUI option for lxc is baffling.
- no install choices for zfs on root on single disk (why???)
- etc
Ultimately, I have more flexibility with a vanilla bookworm install with incus.
No worries. And don’t misunderstand: I think proxmox is great, I’ve simply moved on to a different way of doing thing.