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Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com/
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There’s a difference between ‘physical work required’ and ‘plug in this dongle and run the exe’ though
Ehh doubt, but I don’t have a tesla to verify. If I can sever the connection to the home base, I can fuck with it however I want, and their kill switch is useless. Maybe they implemented the kill switch in the modem or something, but again I can’t test. I highly doubt that when you’re road-tripping in bumfuck nowhere the ap disables itself…
Anybody want to give me $40k? We can be besties.
continuously updated
Hahaha… hahahahahahahaha
Wow, they made the temple in Forza Horizon 5 a real thing! How did the tourist get around the invisible walls though?
E: fun fact actually, in the game it isn’t covered by an invisible cube, but rather a pyramid shape that starts at the X and Y of the temple corners but is about 1.5x the height of the temple. Strangely enough, other temples do use a cube/rectangle barrier that far exceeds the height of the asset it is protecting (mostly structures at Ek’ Balam). This suggests that this temple was unique and handled seperately, but the lower protection is really strange. Maybe just an oversight, maybe a requirement from Mexico officials, worried that the usual system wasn’t enough to keep players from messing with it - which, amusingly, allowed players to get above it, but other structures are immune.
I’m talking ‘I disabled the awareness requirement of autopilot’ or ‘I fucked with the object detection and here goes my beta test yolo’ or ‘I added a button to disable all the lights so I can covertly street race’ or…
Mixed feelings on this. Yeah, you buy it you should own it. But if your ability to fuck with a two-ton rolling death machine puts my ass at risk, we’ve got a fucking problem.
Hell yeah. ‘where can I watch it? do you need an editor?’ :P
Hell, some of us make our stuff public on purpose. ‘ooh herp derp, look at me, I’m so evil, I’ll re-upload all your pictures and videos that were already posted to your [redacted] channel.’ please, you aren’t hurting me - you’re just making me harder. Oooh, so scary, upping the stakes and threatening thermonuclear war? Bitch I’m a millennial. End my existence daddy uwu. Go on, push the button. PUSH THE BU
(redacted 'cause not the time or place :p)
See above nested comment; tune aren’t inherently a safety concern.