Do you think if he kneels down and kisses trump feet he would be okay? I’m so worried damn…
He’s a business man who’s been bankrupt 6 times lmaoooo, gullible clowns
The bankruptcy claim comes up a lot. I hate Trump as much as anyone who can form opinions that don’t come from a radio talk show, but I’d be willing to he’s the bankruptcies were by design. He probably did what the toys r us CEO and 50 cent did, where they funnel money out of a company, and the company goes under.
That being said. He’s still a fucking piece of shit who’s making the founding fathers roll in their graves
It’s the generous interpretation where Trump abused the bankruptcy system for his own benefit, and I definitely agree.
Still wouldn’t want a country run that way, the people are the consumers about to be conned or the investors about to be fleeced.
I saw the “and there’s no filing for bankruptcy on this one” at the end and all I could think is that even if you thought running a country like a business was a good idea (it’s not) why would you pick a businessman who’s filed for bankruptcy quite a lot to be the one to do so? I feel like he needs to ask himself that.
Maybe, just fucking maybe, the government isnt a business and you should stop thinking the proven vampires of the world will somehow be good for us cattle.
Things that make about as much sense as “Conservative Environmentalist”:
- Anarcho Bidenism
- People that enjoy fruitcake
- Jumbo shrimp
- For Profit Social Services
- Anarcho Capitalism
- People referring to a lion being the ‘king of the jungle’ without realising lions don’t live in jungles.
The guy that has had way more business failures than successes (and even that’s questionable if you control for fraudulent reporting) doesn’t understand how economics works? The hell you say…
It’s a page out of Putin’s book make memes about the thing until it’s normalised
He is doing something…for the insider traders. Where the OP lost 15% the insiders dumped off ahead of the storm and will buy the dip.
There’s no point trying to make rational arguments against something that’s fundamentally irrational. Trump’s tariffs are just more Rambo posturing for his diehard MAGA legions, who don’t even understand that they’re the ones paying the tariffs.
No, just thought of Canada being part of the US is just mind fucking blowing. People here besides the military have no clue what war fucking is. That alone is bonkers. Anything besides that is just as mind blowing. Not even a fucking conversation or thought to have. Canada is Canada and I’m glad to be their neighbor. Anyone want to grab a puppers?
I think the absurdity is the point. Putin wants America isolated, so he’s having trump threaten our closest allies.
Those aren’t TRUE CONSERVATIVES and will be banned shortly.
Only TRUE CONSERVATIVES who love licking that orange man’s knob are allowed to comment in r/conservatives. Loyalty oaths will be presented shortly.
love licking that orange man’s knob
Well, I’ve been on Lemmy for all of four hours and just threw up in my mouth. Thanks for that!
Feels kinda like home dunnit? Two broke arms, coconut, poop knife. Better?
Don’t forget jolly rancher.
I first heard what a poop knife was about 10 years ago from my wife. Evidently they had one in her house growing up.
She and some of y’all need jesus lol.
I heard about it on Reddit, I have a pretty good diet, haven’t ever needed, or known anyone that needed, a poop knife
Yea, I don’t want to see the cornsnake that some of these folks are churning out to need a thing like a poop knife.
And christ almighty the effects on the plumbing, having to transport such a thing! Won’t someone think of the pipes!
shudder fuck the pipes, won’t someone think of the poor plumbers that have to come deal with poopknife family homes?
Conservatives are for the most part still deluded into thinking that his goal is to “balance the trade deficit.”
It’s horseshit. That’s not his goal, it’s his pretense; the idiot reason he gives his idiot followers so that they don’t see him for the Russian asset he is.
Fuck these idiots. Reaping what they sowed.
Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do and the obvious outcome happens, but they still don’t see through his bullshit not matter how many times it bites them in the ass.
he is a business man
No he isn’t. Everything she’s ever touched turned to utter shit and went bankrupt. He bankrupted a casino. Like, how even do you do that? That’s not incompetence, that requires a very specific skill set to do
You very well and most likely all of us are missing the Y as to why Donald Trump has done the things he’s done and managed to always fall upwards.
I say that because if he’s so bad, he wouldn’t be continuously hired upwards. He’s now the most powerful position in the world so keep it in mind. He didn’t get there because every large business and its founders and CEOs are so much more dumber than the rest of us that they didn’t know what they were doing.
Some CEOs are hired as a hatchet CEO to destroy companies on purpose. To dismantle them from the inside. You guys need to start thinking that all of this is on purpose and is malicious and that they’re smarter than you. The art of war: do not underestimate your enemy.
Not underestimating either cheeto nor Elmo by stating the simple truth that both are fucking idiots born into wealth, and -amongst other things- being extremely lucky
I’ve been yelling for nearly a decade now that Elmo is an incompetent but also evil motherfucker, glad that people are catching on.
Just watch interviews with either from decade(s) ago, just hear them stumble about anything that has to do with what they do, they don’t know or understand shit. Elmo calls himself the world’s best engineer yet he doesn’t have a clue what an engineer even does
This is a prime example of survivorship bias. It’s the equivalent of an idiot winning the lottery, continuing to buy tickets, winning the lottery again, and having people say “look how much money he has, he must be some financial genius!”
is that not what a businessman does?
I’m an investor in predominately european companies. My investments have risen 20%… so far
They’re pretty dumb, they keep saying “canada would be the 51st state” as if there aren’t 10 provinces
They have to be accepted as one, just like we need 2 Dakotas and Carolinas.
The senate has to be balanced for Republicans, otherwise it’s just not fair, you see?
American media promotes Canada as a singular place. Seattle is in Washington, but Vancouver is in Canada; Detroit is in Michigan, but Toronto is in Canada. The idea that other countries can also be broken down into sub-national jurisdictions that are not politically or culturally aligned just doesn’t come up.
That’s a privilege reserved only for 'Murica.
I heard an interesting theory that the stupid tariffs on Canada are intended to destroy their economy and force them to surrender their sovereignty to the US. He doesn’t care if his threats trigger nationalist backlash because he thinks Canada is so dependent on the US that they can’t resist.
I’m not sure he actually has a plan, but if there is a plan I could see it as a play for conquest.
That would be absolutely mentally deranged reasoning but given other shit hes done, like cancelling the CHIPS act, i would not at all be suprised if this was how he thought/planned