It’s designed that way, because it has the same effect on everyone. People with ADHD are just starting with a lower capacity for it. The goal is to get as many people as possible to give up on getting what should be theirs in order to “save money”. It’s the same thing you’ll see in certain software when you try to do something they don’t like, for example, opening a link in an external browser, or contacting an actual support representative. Suddenly, this app is really poorly designed! It’s not a bug, it’s a feature
It’s designed that way, because it has the same effect on everyone. People with ADHD are just starting with a lower capacity for it. The goal is to get as many people as possible to give up on getting what should be theirs in order to “save money”. It’s the same thing you’ll see in certain software when you try to do something they don’t like, for example, opening a link in an external browser, or contacting an actual support representative. Suddenly, this app is really poorly designed! It’s not a bug, it’s a feature