“There was an incident on the New York subway and a bunch of people got on, protesters or whatever, and said, ‘All the Zionists, get off.’ When the head of the Brooklyn Museum, who was Jewish, but the Brooklyn Museum had nothing to do with Israel or taking positions on Israel — her house is smeared in red paint. That’s antisemitism. And a lot of the slogans that people use either are or slide into antisemitism.”
“The one that bothers me the most is genocide,” Schumer added. “Genocide is described as a country or some group tries to wipe out a whole race of people, a whole nationality of people. So if Israel was not provoked and just invaded Gaza and shot at random Palestinians, Gazans, that would be genocide. That’s not what happened. In fact, the opposite happened. And Hamas is much closer to genocidal than Israel.
Schumer also sharply criticized the UN for using the term “genocide” when describing the war in Gaza. “The U.N. has been anti-Israel, antisemitically against Israel. [Daniel Patrick] Moynihan was my idol. He became famous when in 1976 [it was 1975] they tried to pass a resolution, Zionism is racism.
The very next thing the Democrats need to do is to get rid of this idiot. Hard. Like kicking him out of the party.
Yup it’s time to primary him. This must be a red line, support for genocide is incompatible with democratic values.
Man fuck this guy. There is no provision in the definition for genocide that says “it doesn’t count if they fired first”. What a stupid old cunt. Get the fuck out of office Schumer, you’ve lost all moral authority and I’ve slept with your wife.
This is a clear cut genocide denial. May he and all zionists scum rot in hell.
Schumer has lost all his credibility, and his statements should be disregarded just as Trump’s. Actually, even more so, given that Schumer has no power to enforce what he says.
His phone number is +1 (202) 224-6542
There is no war in Ba Sing Se.
deleted by creator
It is genocide, but when innocent civilians are being killed indiscriminately by the tens of thousands (and injured by the hundreds of thousands) by people who refer to them as “animals” and state very clearly their intent to “eradicate” them, I don’t really give a shit what it’s called. Unacceptable is what it is.
It’s a genocide.
Israel's Genocide on Occupied Palestine
- De-Gaza: A Year of Israel’s Genocide and the Collapse of World Order - Euro-Med Monitor Report see Chapter 2 and 3
Our first-hand observations of the medical and humanitarian catastrophe inflicted on Gaza are consistent with the descriptions provided by an increasing number of legal experts and organizations concluding that genocide is taking place in Gaza.
- Doctors Without Borders: Life in the death trap that is Gaza
It examines the killing of civilians, damage to and destruction of civilian infrastructure, forcible displacement, the obstruction or denial of life-saving goods and humanitarian aid, and the restriction of power supplies. It analyses Israel’s intent through this pattern of conduct and statements by Israeli decision-makers. It concludes that Israel has committed genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.
- Amnesty: Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza Revealed Through Evidence and Analysis Video and Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territory: ‘You Feel Like You Are Subhuman’: Israel’s Genocide Against Palestinians in Gaza Report
On 26 January 2024, the ICJ said that it was plausible that Israel had breached the Genocide Convention. As an emergency measure, it ordered Israel ensure that its army refrained from genocidal acts against Palestinians.
The ICJ reported, as part of its decisions in March and May, that the situation in Gaza had deteriorated and that Israel had failed to abide by its order in January.
So, when we look at the actions taken, the dropping of thousands and thousands of bombs in a couple of days, including phosphorus bombs, as we heard, on one of the most densely populated areas around the world, together with these proclamations of intent, this indeed constitutes genocidal killing, which is the first act, according to the convention, of genocide. And Israel, I must say, is also perpetrating act number two and three — that is, causing serious bodily or mental harm, and creating condition designed to bring about the destruction of the group by cutting off water, food, supply of energy, bombing hospitals, ordering the fast evictions of hospitals, which the World Health Organization has declared to be, quote, “a death sentence.” So, we’re seeing the combination of genocidal acts with special intent. This is indeed a textbook case of genocide.
More than 800 scholars of international law and genocide have signed a public statement arguing that the Israeli military may be committing genocidal acts against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as the total siege and relentless airstrikes continue to inflict devastation on the occupied territory.
An independent United Nations expert warned Monday that “Israel’s genocidal violence risks leaking out of Gaza and into the occupied Palestinian territory as a whole” as Western governments, corporations, and other institutions keep up their support for the Israeli military, which stands accused of grave war crimes in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.
Our documentation encompasses over 500 incitements of violence and genocidal incitement, appearing in the forms of social media posts, television interviews, and official statements from Israeli politicians, army personnel, journalists, and other influential personalities.
I, Lee Mordechai, a historian by profession and an Israeli citizen, bear witness in this document to the situation in Gaza as events are unfolding. The enormous amount of evidence I have seen, much of it referenced later in this document, has been enough for me to believe that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian population in Gaza. I explain why I chose to use the term below. Israel’s campaign is ostensibly its reaction to the Hamas massacre of Oct. 7, 2023, in which war crimes and crimes against humanity were committed within the context of the longstanding conflict between Israelis and Palestinians that can be dated back to 1917 or 1948 (or other dates). In all cases, historical grievances and atrocities do not justify additional atrocities in the present. Therefore, I consider Israel’s response to Hamas’ actions on Oct. 7 utterly disproportionate and criminal.
The definition is “in whole or in part.”
Hitler also didn’t eliminate all of the Jews. You gonna engage in Holocaust denial, too?
Better delete any posts you disagree with to stay in your echo chamber.
Why even allow the link the Chuck Schumer’s comment?
There’s like five negative Chuck Schumer stories today. You don’t recognize a coordinated hit job when you see one?
I don’t like that the mods deleted your comment.
But, have you seen the news recently? I was studying this before and have read a lot. I am now convinced it’s a genocide. Openly cutting aid off for almost a month… that’s insane.
That commenter is a Zionist who has repeatedly justified Israel’s actions, continued to repeat Zionist propaganda regardless of how many times it gets debunked, and has denied both that Israel has been cutting off aid throughout the genocide and the reality of famine in Gaza
chuck schumer is a nazi
Fuck Chuck Schumer, anti Zionist and anti Jewish or antisemitic are not the same thing just because he wants them to be or is paid by AIPAC to say they are.
Have a nice book tour my guy /s
Democrat Leader Chuck Shumer is a fucking liar and a goddamned moron who thought repubs would eject the orange shit stain.
Get him the fuck out
Thanks for clearing that up, Schumer.
I wear that shemagh, not the same pattern, but it’s Arab and has the exact colors and a very similar look. I goddamned dare anyone around here to say a goddamned word.
(What they always say is, “What a cool scarf!”. And BTW, 1sq/m of fine cotton is a fine multipurpose tool. Different wrapping methods for more or less warming, get it wet and cover your head for cooling, filter smoke, strain water if you must. You should get one. Shop around and read reviews. Some are great, some are shit, some are overpriced.)
It’s really funny how Palestine really is turning out to be a litmus test for people who are progressive vs. ‘moderates’ who wind up throwing the working class under the bis
Warning NSFL:
Edit: Apologies, it seems spoiler tags may not be hiding the images. I removed them.
These are nothing compared to the many many videos out there. To call this anything but a genoclde is DelusionaI and lgnorant. My fuckin bIood is boiling!
You should still post links to the images. Not enough people get exposed to the hard truth that is going on in Gaza. I’m one of those.