Bro listing their innocence
Buddhist, researcher, FOSS, Linux, selfhosting enthusiast, plantbased, anarchism and MLM interested.
Trying to be nice. I really dislike the Reddit style aggressive comments. If you are rude I will block and ban you.
Bro listing their innocence
As a PhD candidate who had to grade undergraduate papers, barely any of them know how to write and it’s painfully obvious when they try to cheat. In humanities a lot of my courses try to help the non-humanities students learn but not always successfully. It’s awesome when some students go from C’s to A’s based on my feedback. Makes the job worth while.
Thanks for the awesome alt text
What dosage are you taking, when, and what type?
This is me with selfhosting. I can manage my server for one minor issue all day but having to write kills me.
Or some random hobby vs the small work we need to do
You’ve inspired me to try to exercise for the dopamine
You’re not wrong. I sometimes admit being wrong or sorry and some people here do not let up being mean.